New to Bulk Bags? Want To Fill Drums, Boxes or Rigid Totes Too?

Posted by Don Mackrill on Thu, Feb, 26, 2009 @ 09:02 AM

Many producers of dry bulk solids, who have traditionally shipped their products in drums, boxes or rigid totes, want to take advantage of the financial benfits of converting to bulk bags. 

However, it is often difficult to convert every customer at once.  That means that for at least some period of time bulk bags and the legacy package(s) must be filled.

The problem is how do you handle having to fill multiple packages with multiple packaging machines? 

Changeover can be a significant challenge particularly if your current packaging machine is not portable.  Production scheduling and the time required to simply change from the existing packaging machine to the bulk bag filler can be barriers that prevent companies from benefiting from bulk bags.

What's the answer?

A multiple-package filling machine.  Purchasing a bulk bag filler that also fills drums or boxes or rigid totes - or ALL of these packages - is feasible and economically very attractive.

Filling multiple packages on one machine requires more up front capital as compared to a machine designed to fill only bulk bags.  However, the operational benefits of using a single machine that automatically changes its configuration to fill up to four different packages are significant.

Just think, no delays for changeovers AND you can satisfy those customers who have not yet converted to bulk bags.  A good deal I think.  Plus, there's the financial benefits that immediately hit your bottom line from converting to bulk bags... but that's another story! 

Topics: bulk bag filler, bulk bag loading, bulk bag loader, bulk bag, bulk bag handling, bulk bags, bulk bag filling, fibc, fibcs, bulk bag optimization, bulk solids