Bulk Bag Stacking - Profit Booster!

Posted by Don Mackrill on Sat, Feb, 21, 2009 @ 07:02 AM

Bulk bags stacked 3 highStacking bulk bags CAN be done safely.  There are a few things to carefully consider before attempting to stack FIBCs, but if you do your homework and if testing conducted with your product and bulk bags proves they can be safely stacked, the increase in warehouse efficiency can be a remarkable financial benefit.

Here are the things to consider before attempting to stack bulk bags:

  1. Is the nature of your product conducive to stacking?  Some dry bulk solids are easily fluidized and behave like a liquid, others densify like a brick.  Where does your product fit within this spectrum?
  2. Are your bulk bags properly designed to facilitate stacking?  Unique bulk bag designs exist with features specifically aimed at aiding stacking stability such as stand up loops, strategically placed gussets, etc.  Do you need these features?
  3. Is your filling equipment up to the task?  Does your filling equipment densify your product enough to produce a safe and stable FIBC capable of being stacked?

The best way to determine the answers to the above questions is to work with your big bag and filling equipment vendors.  They should be able to conduct tests that will prove that your product can be stacked safely in bulk bags.

Regarding benefits, double stacking doubles your storage space utilization.  Triple stacking improves warehouse efficiency by another third.  And, quadruple stacking - yes it can be done! - reduces your bulk bag storage footprint by a factor of four compared to not stacking at all.

As you can see stacking bulk bags can provide a huge improvement in warehouse efficiency and profit improvement.  If you're interested contact your bulk bag and equipment suppliers and get stacking!

Topics: bulk bag filler, bulk bag loading, bulk bag loader, bulk bag, bulk bag handling, bulk bags, bulk bag filling, fibc, fibcs, bulk solids