Bulk Bag Weighing Accuracy - Giving Away Your Product For Free?

Posted by Don Mackrill on Tue, Feb, 17, 2009 @ 23:02 PM

Do you sell your product in bulk bags by a standard weight per bag?  Do you know how much product you are giving away for free?

If you sell your dry bulk solid product in bulk bags according to a standard weight per bag, you are almost certainly overfilling each bag to avoid short-shipping your customer.

The critical quesiton is: on average, how much is the overfill?  10 lb?  15lb?  25?  300lb?  Don't laugh, we have witnessed bulk bags being consistently filled 200-300 lb over their target weight.

If you don't know how much over the target weight you are filling your bags, find out NOW.

And, be aware that it's not difficult to minimize the average overfill to +/- 2-5 lb.

For example, if your current overfill is 10 lb and you reduce it to 2 lb, the 8 lb difference is put into the next bag and paid for instead of being given away for free as it is now.

Accounting-wise, that shows up as incremental recovered revenue, which falls straight to the bottom line as incremental profit.

Do yourself a favor, determine your average overfill - right away!  If it's over 5 lb you can significantly improve your profitability by rethinking and reworking your bulk bag weighing system.