Bulk Bag Conditioner
Do you receive ingredient that must be broken up before it will reliably discharge from its bulk bag?
Do you have to ram your bulk bags into a wall or hit them with a pipe to break up the ingredient?
Our Bulk Bag Conditioner easily and effectively breaks up solid ingredient contained within bulk bags.
Squeezes Bulk Bag Easily
The Bulk Bag Conditioner requires only 1 - 3 squeezes to do its job. Simply move the bulk bag between the horizontal poles (with a forklift, hoist or automatically using motorized conveyors) and actuate the hydraulic drive mechanism to quickly and efficiently break up the solid ingredient.
Key Advantage - Bulk Bag Conditioner with Small Footprint
The Bag Squeezer can be located conveniently next to the area where bulk bags are emptied or near incoming storage. Its small footprint ensures that the least amount of valuable floor space is used.
Manual or Automated Bulk Bag Pre-Conditioning
The Bulk Bag Conditioner can be configured to meet your operational needs:
Moveable mast, manual operation: In this configuration the poles move up and down along the mast. That means that the bag remains stationary within the conditioner and the poles move to provide full coverage.
Moveable mast, automated: The Bulk Bag Conditioner can be automated such that a bulk bag is placed on a motorized roller conveyor, automatically feed into the Conditioner, conditioned and automatically removed from the Conditioner for pickup by a forklift or hoist. The automated sequence can be initiated by a forklift operator without having to leave the truck.
Bulk Bag Discharger & Bulk Bag Conditioner Integration
The Bulk Bag Conditioner can be integrated into the support framework of a bulk bag discharger.
Bulk Bag Conditioner Specifications
Clamping Force: Up to 2,900 psi
Materials of Construction: Mild steel
Hydraulic Power Pack: 5 HP, 230/460 or 575 VAC
Hydraulic Pump: 5 GPM
10 gallon reservoir tank with in-line filter, adjustable relief pressure gauge, oil level sight glass, temperature gauge.
Manual Controls: 2 spool control valves with single pressure relief valve and gauge on pole circuit.
Hydraulic hoses included with reusable fittings.